We can teach you how to craft and present a message that will reach a very impatient 21st century audience. Let us show you how to re-engage.
We can train on-site or remote. We can coach you as you prepare your personal or work stories. We can collect and edit stories for your project, your company, your agency, your communicty.
Who IS J. Galt?
The infamous John Galt. He was Ayn Rand's 1957 hero in Atlas Shrugged. Her protagonists were dedicated, creative entrepreneurs who believed in quality products and quality services. The story was their struggle to make the world a better place. Competitors, with government allies, wrote laws that stymied innovation. Ordinary people overall felt oppressed and were numbed by apathy and despair. Rand was insistent that the hero's very long final speech on society's ails be printed in its entirety. It was so important to her that she agreed to reduce her earnings in exchange for the extra pages.
Training. Coaching.
Our teams have designed on-site writing and presentation skills training for over 1000 federal employees.
Let us help you diagnose what is getting in the way of meeting your goals. We'll find your obstacles and show you how to manage them.
Training. Project Management. Consulting.
Friction with stakeholders? In the community? In another agency?
Better communication skills can reduce conflict and remove roadblocks.
We can help you get to "yes" faster.
We built courses for the Corps of Engineers.
We supported projects at local, state, and federal levels.
Producer. Researcher. Editor. Writer.
Department of Defense
Department of Interior
National Science Foundation